As the biggest Moslem country in the world, Indonesia is the perfect country to establish Islamic Art Museum. Islamic Art Museum is the first in Indonesia which houses a vast collection of Islamic art and valuable artefacts that marking the journey of Islam religion in entering the country. The aims of establishing this Islamic Art Museum are as a form of appreciation of the increasing interest in Islamic art and collecting, preserving, and maintaining Islamic Art artifacts. The museum is intended not only as an educative, interactive and participative resources but also intended as a room that needs the visitors’ experience to be involved as an interlocutor in the discussions about the collections. Thus, the visitors could communicate with particular communities for observations, supported by hi-tech information technology involving emotions and the senses. Equipped with both competent tour guide and informative audio-self tour guide, visitors will be assisted to get thorough information about Islamic apprehension of Indonesia and the world. Enjoy the Islamic Adventure Tour!

Augmented Reality
Silakan mengunduh aplikasi Augmented Reality di link berikut ini dari Google Playstore di Android anda, untuk mempermudah para pengunjung dalam melihat 3 Dimensi dari museum.

Auto Self Guided Tour
Silahkan akses Auto Self Guided Tour untuk memudahkan para pengunjung daalam memahami narasi per zona, sembari bermain dan belajar di dalam wahana Museum Islam Indonesia.

Asyiknya Belajar Sejarah Melalui Augmented Reality Indonesian Islamic Art Museum

Indonesian Islamic Art, Museum Islam Pertama di Indonesia

Indonesian Islamic Art, Museum Religi Paling Keren di Nusantara
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Contact Us
Jl. Raya Paciran (ex. tanjung kodok), Paciran, Lamongan, East Java, Indonesia
+62 857 4840 5800